Sunday, January 9, 2011

Once Upon A Choice

Once upon a choice I woke up and saw Absolute Beauty and then decided to live within it.

Use me oh God, I stand for You, here abide as You show me all that I must be!

I am an instrument of service....a distribution of All that is Good!

Yes, something wonderful and glorious is happening within this vessel as this vessel right now!

I am declaring that 2011 will be  the Grandest Year for all creation.  And So It is!  And So I let it be....Amen

I am surrendering to all that is Peace, Love, Joy, Compassion, Humility, Kind-hearted and pure truth.  All hearts are pure when one awakens to the truth of I Am that I Am!

Love is All there is.  And So It Is...Amen!
