Friday, August 21, 2009


Great Morning!
Another beautiful and precious day to enjoy.  Life is wonderful because I Am wonderful.
Awakening to the realization to who I really Am is so freeing.  Moment by moment I step out of the "prison" that I held myself in for so long!  We create the prison we live in and then blame everything outside of self for us being there.
In essence there is nothing outside of the Self.  We are all that there is, was and will ever be.  It it so hard for us to see this because of the things we have been taught by others.  Releasing and letting go of the familiar is a very scary place to enter.
I am listening and letting go now.  Sometimes it is a little scary, but I have chosen to go ahead and do it anyway.  "I Let Go and I Grow."
I am grateful for the BIG earthquakes in life.  It was time to wake up to who I really Am.  All things outside of me is an illusion.  It is not real and never has or will be.  It is only real to the point that I accept it as my reality.
My heart goes out to all who are wandering in darkness not realizing that the light is truly here, if they choose to see it.
What I have awakened to....I wish for others.  Eventually, we will all remember who we are.  It is left up to you.  If you do not do it, it will not be done.
There is no great god in the sky judging you.  You are God and all that there is!  Ponder on this, my friends.  Yes, I have been told I Am completely out of my mind.  Yes, I am.  I had to lose this mind to make space for who I have always been.  And So I Let it Be....And So It is...Amen.
I declare Peace and Stillness, Love and Healing, Compassion and Forgiveness, Patience and Beingness are flowing through all creation NOW!  And So I Let It Be!....Amen

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