Friday, December 25, 2009

New Journey Experience

Hi Beautiful :

On November 30, 2009, I decided to attend a meeting at Runners World about participating in the 13.1 mile run in Oklahoma City, OK in April 2010.  My purpose for attending the meeting was for training to run in the Tulsa Run in 2010.  After the meeting, I decided, yes I am willing  to do this.  I am doing this purely for the fun of it.  No goal or special time to finish....just for the love of enjoying!

December 12, 2009, was the first day to start training at Veteran's Park in Tulsa, OK.  It was windy, overcast skies and 37 degrees!  These were ingredients to "stay in bed" at 7:45am in the morning.  I am grateful and thankful to be a part of this adventure.

I have met some beautiful people and loving the experience.  Through this experience, I am receiving lessons of love to recall.  This is also being done in my piano classes.  My, I waited on decade number 5 to truly start Living Fully.  How wonderful for me.

I have not decided if I am going to participate in the Oklahoma City's half marathon in April 2010.  When it happens, I will know.

Peace, Love, Joy to All,


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Loving My Trip

For the first time in  this life I took an "alone" trip to Eureka Springs, AR (November 13-15).  All the years I have been in Oklahoma, I had not been to Eureka Springs.  This was the most beautiful weekend trip, with myself, I have ever had.

I stayed at the Tall Pine Cabins in the hills.  How breath taking.  Communing with nature was magnificient.  I also met a friend right in front of the cabin....I named it, "Great One."  It is a tall pine tree with a curve in it's form.  How loving.  I hugged the tree each day receiving and giving such energy to the other.

I had lunch at Cafe Soleil.  Great vegetarian meal with superb customer service.  Then a trip to the down town area.  Such fun.  Everything was perfect....just as I visioned.

I did much meditating, praying and comtemplating with Self.  I now realize that everything that I need, want or desire.....I Am, right now.  Yes, I am all that there is, was and will ever be.  Life is choice.  There is nothing we must do.  We "choose" to experience things in this thing called "Life."  So, if I choose to live out the rest of this human incarnation, without a mate, a bigger house, etc.. it is wonderfully all right.  How freeing.

I released a lot of "trash" that I have been holding on to for years.  I allowed the "trash" to go back into the nothingness from which it came.  I am still releasing, and it is All GREAT!

I say, "Yes" to the Universe and surrender to the ALL Knowing Power that resides within.  I am guided by Spirit in all thoughts, words and actions.  Yes, I am in "heaven" now!

I am so thankful and grateful to be present in this moment.  Life is Great and I am thankful for the gift.

Until next time, Peace, Love, Joy, Beauty, Order and Grace.

Cabin # 18 in Tall Pines

Friday, August 21, 2009


Great Morning!
Another beautiful and precious day to enjoy.  Life is wonderful because I Am wonderful.
Awakening to the realization to who I really Am is so freeing.  Moment by moment I step out of the "prison" that I held myself in for so long!  We create the prison we live in and then blame everything outside of self for us being there.
In essence there is nothing outside of the Self.  We are all that there is, was and will ever be.  It it so hard for us to see this because of the things we have been taught by others.  Releasing and letting go of the familiar is a very scary place to enter.
I am listening and letting go now.  Sometimes it is a little scary, but I have chosen to go ahead and do it anyway.  "I Let Go and I Grow."
I am grateful for the BIG earthquakes in life.  It was time to wake up to who I really Am.  All things outside of me is an illusion.  It is not real and never has or will be.  It is only real to the point that I accept it as my reality.
My heart goes out to all who are wandering in darkness not realizing that the light is truly here, if they choose to see it.
What I have awakened to....I wish for others.  Eventually, we will all remember who we are.  It is left up to you.  If you do not do it, it will not be done.
There is no great god in the sky judging you.  You are God and all that there is!  Ponder on this, my friends.  Yes, I have been told I Am completely out of my mind.  Yes, I am.  I had to lose this mind to make space for who I have always been.  And So I Let it Be....And So It is...Amen.
I declare Peace and Stillness, Love and Healing, Compassion and Forgiveness, Patience and Beingness are flowing through all creation NOW!  And So I Let It Be!....Amen

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Joy of Life

For the last two weeks, I have enjoyed my daughter and her family, some of my siblings in Texas and a wonderful week with me and my granddaughter, Anaya Jenae.

During these two weeks, I remember Life is so very simple. Only our thoughts bring the complications we suffer. All things outside of the self is an illusion. It is not real. We have accepted this body form, as being who we are. Not! We spend so much time trying to change the outer form and leave the "real thing," within untouched. The I Am is all that there is, was, and will ever be.

I am releasing the whys, how comes, why me, etc syndrome. It is all for my spiritual growth. There is not a spot where the I AM is not. Because I now remember I Am that I Am. What a freeing revelation.

I now choose to live the life of the real.....the Authentic Being I have always been. In my world, Life is good to great. I surrender to I Am and let all things be. There is a Divine Order in the Universe and when we are in alignment with IT, this is Heaven! The only place to experience Heaven is in the here and now!

Loved my vacation time and all the lessons that came with it.

Have a wonderful day!

Monday, July 13, 2009

As You Can See

As you can see, I am not on my "Blog" very often. I am sure I need to let people know that I have a Blog! Hehe!

May all your days be as bright as you create it.

Peace, Love Light and Joy! Amen

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Today I woke up to the wonderful sound of rain and thunder. A great cleansing to the earth and take it higher.....a great cleansing to the soul.

Throughout your day, do you allow self to sit and be quiet and still and there are no thoughts screaming in your head? Give it a try, you may just love it. The ego is going to scream "bloody murder," but give it a shot! Each time you pause for self, you become renewed and invigorating.

Accept Life as it present Itself. We are always exactly where we should be in each moment. Wanting to be somewhere else creates the atmosphere of lack an anxiety.

May your day be as bright as you say it is!


Sunday, July 5, 2009


Rather than giving this moment a name or title I have decided to leave all just as it is.

In my meditation time, this morning, I continue to hear...."Peace be Still and embrace the Silence that I am." This has been going on for months. I accept that these character traits are emerging through this vessel to express itself.

Becoming completely still and silent has been a challenge for me because I have felt I needed to be "doing" something. I have grown to understand that almost every time, I was getting in the way of answers coming forth that I had questions to. What a wonderful journey this is. When you are no longer asleep, you can then realize how wonderful and lovely life really is. It has nothing to do with the things I thought was reality. In fact, it cannot be compared.

I now see the world as one beautiful place with lovely people. Everyone may not be loving to you, but it does not negate their divinity. I no longer allow the reactions of others to dictate my behavior! Walking around completely asleep, is no longer for the great I am. This is what I call....Complete Freedom. Free to be the spiritual being that I Am.

Have a great day all.


Saturday, July 4, 2009

Today, July 4, 2009, I decided to set up a Blog! This has been very interesting. Today has been a very calm and peaceful . We did receive some much needed rain and to me, that is good.

Blogging is really new to me, but I will get the handle on this.

Right now I am taking private piano classes at the community college and I am having a ball. As a child, this is something I had longed to do, but with seven children....with two in college...was not feasible for my parents. But here I am now in the piano class. It is different especially when one must use both hands to play at the same time. It is as though my brain is being re-wired. LoL.

My piano class is another instrument being used for my spiritual growth in the character of "patience." Wanting it now is what is being released in Life. Now I just let Life unfold in such a mystic way.

May you all have a loving, safe and wonderful day!